Thursday, January 15, 2009

IWobble, Apple approved it!!

If your remember the app IBoob. Then you will absolutely adore this app. IBoob let you shake a pair of digital boobs around on the screen of you iphone, What IWobble does is let you shake a pair of REAL Boobs around on your iphone. All you have to do is place a point on where the women's breasts are, then press ok, then shake your phone around and the woman’s breasts wobble. I think that app is awesome, but the bit i don't understand is that Apple declined the app IBoob because it was unacceptable as a Iphone app. But after all the views on the IBoob demo on YouTube Apple thought maybe they could be something in the IBoob app. But a group of Aussies took the app to the next level with IWobble. So why did they except IWobble but declined IBoob? Did they see a lot of profit in this app?

Thanks for reading


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